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I am a Doctoral Candidate in Art History at Duke University. I graduated from Wake Forest University (’15) with a BA in History & Art History, and a minor in Medieval Studies, and from UNC Chapel Hill ('19) with an MA in Art History. My research interests lie in the architecture of the medieval and early modern Mediterranean, and its relationship with mobility and the history of science.

My dissertation examines the architectural history of hospitals in the medieval and early modern Mediterranean to develop a holistic history of hospital architecture that centers the built environment as a meaningful part of the human health experience. As a result of the significant and formational cross-cultural exchange in the region, these hospitals constitute a group in their architectural form, approach to medical care, and their facilitation of community. The topics of this dissertation include geotemporal data analysis using ArcGIS, textual evidence for hospital architecture and function, extant hospital remains, and the role of mobility in architectural and medical exchange.

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